How to come to TokyoCinema on foot
Subway stations from the Metropolitan Mita-line HAKUSAN or KASAUGA, Tokyo-Metro Nanboku
and Marunouchi-line KORAKUEN

Address: #2-101, 31 Hakusan-2, Tokyo-112-0001
phn: 03-3811-4577 fax: 03-3811-4576 e-mail:

For whom wish to come by cars


The nearest subway station:
Metropolitan Mita-line HAKUSAN:
about 5min. on foot

There are two ticket wickets at the Hakusan station.
Select the exit toward the Koishikawa Botanical Garden.
When you go to the street (Old Hakusan-Dori street),
please turn to the right side. Soon you find Hakusan-
Shita crossing with the new Hakusan-Dori and signals.
Across the new street and turn to the left for Suido-
Bashi or southward. On the corner the small bank Taki-
nogawa-Sinyou-Kinko and a covenience shop "Mini-
Stop". Go ahead to the next signal until the French
pastry shop "PAPA DANIEL" on the rightside corner.
Turn to the right small alley. Soon you must find a
primary school on the left side. Go ascending slope and
the right side yellow cream 3 floors building is ours.
The first entrance room 101 is Okada's private home
as well as TokyoCinema's office.

KASUGA and KORAKUEN subway stations:
about 10-12min.

Slightly far from these stations to us, but now four
subway lines are in service and it is very covenient from
different areas: Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Tokyo Central
Station and Ueno, Ginza, etc.

When use these stations, first of all you must find
Hakusan-Dori street. Then go to northward to Sengoku-
Sugamo direction. Walk about 8-10min. Pass the big
food shop "Queen's ISETAN" and Hakusan-2 signal.
Next second signal is "Sasugaya-Sho IRIGUCHI" and
French pastry shop "PAPA DANIEL" on the corner.
Turn to the left along narrow one way alley. Soon you
must find a primary school on the left side.
Go ascending slope and you find on the right side
a yellow cream 3 floors building. That is ours. The
first entrance room 101 is Okada's private residence
as well as TokyoCinema's office.

Started: 2001.12.12.  latest renewal : 2006.12.03. 

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