How to access to TokyoCinema
For whom come by car

address: #2-101, 31 Hakusan-2, Tokyo 112-0001 JAPAN
phn: 03-3811-4577  fax: 03-3811-4576  e-mail:

accessmap1Who wish to come by car,
please come by Hakusan-Dori

a  From Suido-bashi side:
Run by Hakusan-Dori street for direction to
Sengoku and Sugamo. Across Kasuga-Dori,
besides Bunko-Civic Center and Kototoi-Dori,
(Koishikawa-2 Signal). Then the third signal is
Hakusan-2. You must slow down the speed and
do not miss next second signal with one way
entrance. The land mark is a small French Pastry
Shop "Papa Daniel" on the corner. Turn to left
and enter the one way narrow alley. Soon you
must find a primary school left side and cream
Yellow 3 floor building on the right side. Turn to
the right side and the first entrance is our

b.  Fom Sugamo and Sengoku side:
Run by Hakusan-Dori street for Suidobashi or the
Imperial Palace, and when pass the Hakusan-shita
signal, please to pull over the central lane for U-
turn. Go slowly untill Hakusan-2 signal and make
U-turn. Return to the next second signal with
the one way entrance. The land mark is a small
French Pastry Shop "Papa Daniel" on the corner.
Turn to left and enter the one way narrow alley.
Soon you must find a primary school left side and
cream Yellow 3 floor building on the right side.
Turn to the right side and the first entrance is our

It is very regret but there is no parking lot for you
at our office. Only possible for toll parking at

started:2001.12.12.  latest renewal:2006.06.12.

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