TokyoCinema as Scientific Moving Image Productions

The Sea in the Seed

The latest production is THE SEA IN THE SEED -The Sperm of Ginkgo biloba and Reproductive Evolution in Plants- was completed after 4 years intensive works with scientists of  Tsukuba University and Tokyo University. In this video first time we introduce time-lapse shot captured the sperm formation inside the pollen tube of Ginkgo biloba.Starting from single cell greenish algae to gimnosperm double fertilization all important stages of evolution in plants reproduction were captured in video.This video was awarded at the 41th National Science and Technology Film and Video Festival in the spring of 2000.

We shot video time-lapse of development in this botanical plankton at Low Temperature Laboratory
in the National Arctic Research Institute for NHK THE GLOBAL FAMILY.

The World of Microbes 1958

Scientific film making of TokyoCinema has a long tradition started from middle 50-ies. The landmark of this period was award wining THE WORLD OF MICROBES - In Quest of tubercle bacili - with significant microscopic tame-lapse cinematography.

Marine Flowers            MoonJelly                Where There is Life, There is Motion

The first important work of TokyoCinema after the reformation in 1970-ies is the MARINE FLOWERS - The biosphere of the Coelenterata - for Ocean EXPO'75. It was a three multi-screen 35mm film demonstration of micro and macro as well as underwater recording of tiny marine creature. Since then TokyoCinema introduced MOON JELLY - Life Cycle of Aurelia aurita -, WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS MOTION and other 16mm products with cinemicrography. All those works received the highest awards at national as well as international scientific film festivals.

Using video equipments in TV productions naturally influenced in scientific film productions too. At Science EXPO'85 in Tsukuba TokyoCinema realized first video-micrography in Cell Fusion. Since the, all productions in scientific field are shot in video. In 1984, TokyoCinema together with HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS introduced results of combination of optical microscope observation with computer image processing then in 1987, first time experienced microscopic recording in High Definition TV. HIGH DEFINITION VIDEO IMAGE OF PROTOZOA, 1989 was won award at 31st National Science and Technology Film and Video Festival.

So many years TokyoCinema continued trial to shoot time-lapse in video and participated application development in CRVdisc of SONY. LIFE OF THE FRESHWATER SPONGE shot video-time-lapse with CRVdisc won the best academic works at the RONDA International Scientific Film Days in Spain.

1998.09.20. started as Japnese sie
final update 2001.08.15. 

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